If you have bricks in an area where they may often get wet, you may want to consider waterproofing them.
Unsealed brick absorbs water, which can significantly threaten the integrity of porous brick masonry and mortar over time. Sealing and waterproofing the brick exterior of a home is a must, as it improves the home’s value by extending the life of its masonry in mortar. Especially in wetter climates, this is a must. If you live in a humid climate, be sure that the sealer you choose provides moisture protection. Follow these steps to waterproof bricks and ensure their longevity.
Clean The Bricks Thoroughly
It is very important that you dust the brick before sealing them. Be sure that any dust, grit, or other debris has been thoroughly removed before attempting to do any work. Pay special attention to areas which tend to accumulate debris and grime, such as the mortar joints and corners. Then scrub the bricks with warm soapy water and a rag. Use towels to soak up any excess moisture, and allow bricks to dry overnight before you begin to waterproof them.
Get Ready To Waterproof
Pour brick sealer into a paint tray. Most brick surfaces are served well by a standard masonry sealer. Chimney bricks, however, are a different story. They require a sealer specifically designed for this purpose. Chimney sealers allow moisture to escape from inside the chimney while still protecting the exterior from moisture.
Use The Proper Tools To Waterproof Your Bricks
Apply the sealer to the bricks using a paint roller. An angled brush will apply the sealer smoothly to the mortar lines. It is important to do two coats, however, the first coat may require up to eight hours to dry before the second can be applied. After you have given the sealer up to eight hours to dry, apply a second coat. Give it 24 hours to dry before you walk on or touch the newly waterproofed bricks.
Get In Touch With DelPrete Masonry Today
For any questions regarding masonry construction, feel free to contact Del Prete Masonry. Our masonry restoration professionals have the experience and history of satisfied clients to prove that we’ll get the job done right, and cost-effectively. To get started with your masonry restoration project, please contact our office today at 410-683-0650 or email us at mike@delpretemasonry.com. We serve Baltimore City, County, Harford County, Carroll County, Anne Arundel County, and Howard County.
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Tags: bricks, brickwork, waterproof