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Archive for the ‘ Masonry Contractor ’ Category

The Benefits of Marble Flooring Restoration

Friday, April 29th, 2016

While marble is incredibly durable, marble floor restoration is needed to maintain its full beauty.

Few types of flooring can match the benefits of marble. This natural stone is not only beautiful but it offers many other advantages over wood, carpet and even many other stone materials. It can be used in a wide variety of applications, including commercial settings, personal residences and places such as hotel lobbies, ballrooms and more. However, after many years of foot traffic, there is a good chance that your marble flooring  is in need of repair, cleaning or other restoration services. By allowing a professional marble restoration company to conduct this maintenance you’ll always enjoy the benefits that marble flooring has to offer. (more…)

Questions to Ask Your Masonry Contractor

Friday, March 25th, 2016
questions to ask your masonry contractor

You may have a lot of questions floating around in your head. It’s important to make sure that you ask the right ones.

According to the Mason Contractors Association of America, qualified masons receive training to work with a several different materials, including bricks, natural rock, concrete, and tiles made of terra cotta, ceramic or stone. However, every masonry contractor has their own areas of special skill and experience. For example, Del Prete Masonry specializes in brick, block, and commercial concrete construction. When hiring a masonry contractor, it’s important to ask the right questions so that you know you are hiring a contractor who is right for your particular needs. Here are a few questions you can ask to guide your way to the best contractor for you. (more…)

Benefits of a Masonry Table Saw

Friday, December 11th, 2015

Craftsman working with stone

Last week we talked about what is in a mason’s toolkit (trowel, hammer and chisel, power saw, level), but not all tools are created equally. When it comes time to cut through the toughest materials, you have more than one option. Your choices include a right angle grinder, cut-off saw, paver saw, handheld power saw or a full-size masonry table saw. All of these tools should be used with extreme caution. But what benefits does a masonry table saw hold when stacked against your other options?




What’s in a Mason’s Basic Toolkit?

Friday, December 4th, 2015
basic masonry toolkit

There are a handful of tools that you’ll find in every mason’s toolkit.

You may have wondered what tools a mason needs to create a wall or a walkway. Whether you are a masonry enthusiast or just plain curious, we can share with you the tools of our trade. Read on to learn what tools a mason uses to lay level bricks, make mortar, and cut concrete.


You’ll never catch a mason without his trusty trowel. Trowels are used for applying mortar and come in two varieties: London and Philadelphia. The difference between these two types of trowels is just the subtle shape of the blade; each one is just as good as the other for handling mortar. A larger trowel will most likely be used to apply mortar to new bricks and stones. A smaller trowel is great for the delicate work of repairing old mortar joints and scraping off excess mortar. (more…)

Tips for Cold Weather Masonry

Monday, November 2nd, 2015
Winter Masonry

There are certain precautions a contractor makes when working in the winter.

As cold weather approaches, it becomes more and more difficult to work with masonry. Working on masonry projects during the winter is still possible, but there are more considerations to keep in mind. When the weather dips below 40 degrees, the hydration in the mortar will expand and crack. The mortar can be rewetted before this happens, but if it is wetted too much, the mortar won’t stick to the unit. This is why it is better to hire an experienced, dependable contractor during the winter. An experienced contractor will know precisely how much to wet the mortar and what surface needs to be wetted. If you are looking to try your hand at a personal masonry project, waiting for warmer weather is the wisest choice. Masonry contractors, however, work year round. Here are some of the things that they look out for during the winter.

  • Speed Hydration. Many masons use speed hydration by using high-early cement or by adding an accelerator to the mortar. However, these methods do have the potential to change the color of the mortar.
  • Keep Units Dry and Warm. The best way to prevent masonry mistakes during the winter is to cover units with a tarp to protect them from rain and snow until they are ready to be used. A mason can also heat up some materials to ensure that the mortar is properly hydrated and binds correctly.
  •  Know Your Products. Many commercially available admixtures that are marketed as “antifreeze” admixtures are actually just accelerators, rather than freezing point depressants. A contractor with experience knows how to tell the difference.
  • Keep Warm. It’s important to keep the masonry units and mortar warm, but it’s even more important to keep the masons doing the work warm as well! If working in high winds, it’s advised to set up a tarp as a windbreaker. If the temperature drops to below 20 degrees, it’s advisable to set up a heater or get to a warm, indoor space.

Build Your Next Concrete Masonry Project with Del Prete Masonry!

While there are many other materials that we use at Del Prete Masonry, we’re not about to abandon concrete anytime soon. It has proven its worth many times over and we know that we can bring you a solid masonry structure with it. To find out more about your masonry options including concrete masonry, please contact our office today at 410-683-0650 or email us at mike@delpretemasonry.com. We serve Baltimore City, County, Harford County, Carroll County, Anne Arundel County, and Howard County. Keep up with our blog for masonry related information, and follow us on FacebookTwitter, and Google+.

Choosing the Right Masonry Contractor

Thursday, July 23rd, 2015

When remodeling or constructing a new building, quality stonework can add a unique, ageless aesthetic. Regardless of whether you know exactly what you want and how you want it or if you only have the vaguest idea, picking the right masonry contractor is the biggest factor in your satisfaction with the result. There are several strategies that you can employ to make sure you find the right masonry contractor for your work at the best price.

Mason making sidewalk

Make sure that you can find qualiy masonry at a good price.


Why does your Business need Professional Masonry?

Monday, June 29th, 2015


Professional masonry

Professional masonry can change your business.

When it comes to sending a powerful message, or showing the world that you mean business, you’re going to need a little help. That’s where professional masonry structures come in. A new monument or sign made out of professional masonry materials can really add the punch that your business could benefit from. Would you like to learn more about using professional masonry for your business? Let’s do it! (more…)

How to Find the Best Masonry Contractor

Monday, June 15th, 2015


masonry contractor

Looking for a good masonry contractor, but not sure where to start?

Finding the right contractor for your next masonry project can be a bit of a hassle. Where can you begin? A lot of contractors are going to tell you just how perfect they are for the job, but how can you verify that for yourself. That’s what we’re going to talk about today. So, are you ready to find out how you can find the best masonry contractor? Let’s do this! (more…)