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Posts Tagged ‘ brick styles ’

Consider These Top Brick Patterns for Your Building

Friday, October 11th, 2024
delprete masonry top brick patterns

Explore the top brick patterns with DelPrete Masonry, including the running bond seen here.

Choosing the right brick pattern for your commercial building can significantly enhance its appearance, adding texture, style, and character to the overall design. Brick patterns, or bonds, provide structural integrity and play a vital role in the aesthetic appeal of the building’s façade. When planning your next brick project, consider some of these classic patterns, each offering its own unique visual effect. Here are four of the top brick patterns to consider for your building design with DelPrete Masonry. (more…)

Factors to Consider When Choosing Exterior Brick

Wednesday, August 14th, 2024
delprete masonry exterior brick

Consider these factors when choosing your exterior brick.

When selecting exterior brick for your building, your choices can significantly impact the overall appearance, durability, and value of your property. At DelPrete Masonry, we understand that choosing the right brick is a crucial decision that requires careful consideration. Here are some key factors to keep in mind when selecting the perfect brick for your exterior. (more…)