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Posts Tagged ‘ masonry demolition ’

Safe Ways to Achieve Masonry Demolition

Wednesday, May 24th, 2017
masonry demolition

Through selective masonry demolition, what’s old can become new again!

Masonry demolition can be a risky venture. Luckily, there are safe ways to achieve masonry demolition. In this installment of the blog, we’ll look at four particular methods in which buildings are often demolished. Although we have covered this topic on the blog before, a refresher course is always a good thing to have. Please read on to learn more!   (more…)

When Is Masonry Demolition Necessary?

Friday, May 6th, 2016
masonry demolition

Cracks in your masonry are a sign that you need repair or replacement.

If you notice cracks or chips in your bricks or concrete blocks, then it may be time to have them repaired or replaced. Dilapidated masonry can negatively affect the professional presentation of a business, which may even affect your success with sales and client retention. If left untreated, defects in masonry could worsen and even become safety hazards. It’s important to know when you need masonry demolition and to act quickly before the damage worsens. (more…)

Methods of Masonry Demolition in Maryland: Demolition by Ball

Monday, November 10th, 2014

masonry demolitionIf you have a structurally unsound or physically unappealing masonry structure, or have purchased land with a building that doesn’t meet your needs, chances are that you need masonry demolition. Continuing our series on the various types of masonry demolition, Del Prete Masonry, your Maryland masonry company, is here with a behind-the-scenes look at how demolition via wrecking ball works.

While most building can be taken down with a wrecking ball, it’s a highly delicate process that requires years of training and experience to execute safely. Below are some general precautions that masonry demolitions experts must observe when demolishing a building via wrecking ball.

Machine Safety

Most wrecking balls are not attached to dedicated wrecking machines; rather they are affixed to converted cranes. Demolishing masonry via wrecking ball is a taxing task and it’s important to make sure the crane is properly equipped to deal with the added strain. Cranes using a converted drag line are considered the best for demolition via wrecking ball while hydraulic ram cranes should never be used for this purpose. Cranes must be outfitted with a Falling Object Protective Structure and the Safe Working Limit (The maximum weight which the crane arm can safely carry) must be at least 3 times the weight of the wrecking ball.

General Safety

The wrecking ball must be fixed to prevent it from disconnecting with the line and this connection should be safety checked every hour. All unnecessary personnel and the general public should be kept well away from any masonry demolition, particularly when using a wrecking ball. Also, any building that are attached to the masonry that will be demolished must first be detached by hand, otherwise serious structural damage could occur.

Need Masonry Demolition in Maryland?

Call Del Prete Masonry. At Del Prete Masonry, we’ve got the expertise to perform masonry demolition by wrecking ball, and a wide variety of other methods to ensure your unwanted structure is safely, and quickly, taken apart. We’re also one of Maryland’s most respected masonry construction groups, so we can replace any demolished structure with a pristine, and affordable, one in no time.

To find out more about your masonry demolition options, please contact our office today at 410-683-0650 or email us at mike@delpretemasonry.com. We serve Baltimore City, County, Harford County, Carroll County, Anne Arundel County, and Howard County. Keep up with our blog for masonry related information, and follow us on FacebookTwitter, and Google+.

Methods of Masonry Demolition in Maryland: Demolition by Hand

Friday, October 31st, 2014

masonry demolition At Del Prete Masonry, there’s nothing we appreciate more than a fine stone structure, but sometimes for the new to be built, the old must come down. When it comes to masonry demolition there’s more than one way to get the job done. While masonry demolition should never be attempted as a DIY project, having a better understanding of how it works can help you know when it’s time to call in a professional masonry demolition . Today we’ll be looking at masonry demolition by hand.

Conducting masonry demolition by hand is a time consuming and difficult process. Demolishing masonry by hand requires ample scaffolding, structural reinforcement, protective gear, and a wide variety of sturdy demolition tools to be done safely.


When performing Maryland masonry demolition by hand only one story of a structure can be demolished at a time. It’s typically safest to start with the highest level, the roof, and to work your way down from that point. A portion of every floor should be taken out so that debris can fall through to ground level.

It’s important not to let destroyed masonry pile up though. An overloaded floor could collapse, starting a chain reaction of collapsing floors and taking down the entire structure with tools, and more importantly people, inside. At the conclusion of every work day guying and propping must be done to ensure that the remaining portion of the structure can safely stand on its own overnight.

Personnel Safety

When conducting masonry demolition by hand in Maryland, law requires that guardrails and barriers must be erected in any place that poses a potential hazard to workers or the public. If there are areas in the demolition site where this is impossible, workers must be outfitted with anchored safety harnesses, and must be adequately trained in their use.

Before conducting any kind of masonry demolition by hand, Maryland requires employers to conduct hazard assessment to determine what specific safety precautions are necessary.

Need Masonry Demolition in Maryland?

Call Del Prete Masonry. At Del Prete Masonry we’ve got the expertise to perform masonry demolition by hand, and a wide variety of other methods to ensure your unwanted structure is safely, and quickly, taken apart. We’re also one of Maryland’s most respected masonry construction groups, so we can replace any demolished structure with a pristine, and affordable, one in no time.

To find out more about your masonry demolition options, please contact our office today at 410-683-0650 or email us at mike@delpretemasonry.com. We serve Baltimore City, County, Harford County, Carroll County, Anne Arundel County, and Howard County. Keep up with our blog for masonry related information, and follow us on FacebookTwitter, and Google+.

Masonry Demolition Methods

Friday, August 8th, 2014

commercial demolitionThere are many times where masonry can be restored, but sometimes the only way to go is demolition. If a building or structure is dangerous, beyond repair, or if something better can be built, it will frequently be slated for demolition. One of the problems that companies face with demolition is that it’s usually done in areas that are residential or commercial in nature – meaning there are lots of people around. The debris and dust from a demolition project can be dangerous if the demolition is not done properly. There are a few different methods of demolition. Each one must be executed appropriately for safety and health concerns.

Commercial Demolition

  • Implosion – Most people find this method to be the most exciting, but it’s also the most dangerous. Implosion involves dynamite and sequential detonation to make sure that each part of the building is demolished at exactly the right time. Usually only very large structures are demolished with implosion so they tend to be in urban areas. Demolition teams have to be very careful to make sure that the whole thing goes off without a hitch.
  • Crane & Ball – This is one of the oldest methods of demolition and is the one that most people recognize. A wrecking ball up to 13,500 pounds are attached to a large crane. The crane then swings the ball into the structure that is being demolished repeatedly. It works well in some structures, but not for all. Once again, demolition teams have to have a specific skill set to operate the crane and ensure that it doesn’t tip during the demolition process.
  • High Reach Arm – This is the type of demolition most frequently used for masonry structures. Demolition of masonry is particularly complicated because of the amount of dust that it produces. High reach demolition requires a base machine of some type, a large demolition arm, and tools attached to the machine.  This process can take a while and varies considerably depending on the type of building we’re demolishing and the site construction.

Masonry Demolition from Del Prete Masonry

DelPrete Masonry performs demolition for commercial structures that have been damaged or must be removed. Our crews are highly experienced and take every precaution necessary to ensure that the structure, and its surrounding areas, is carefully prepped before demolition. Once the demolition is complete, DelPrete Masonry removes all debris and performs a thorough cleanup, so the existing space is ready for the next phase of development. Hire a professional masonry demolition expert, who performs safely and efficiently, to keep your project on schedule – contact us at 443-250-4193 or email.

Source: Construction.About