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Archive for the ‘ Blog ’ Category

Advantages of Decorative Concrete

Friday, February 24th, 2017
advantages of decorative concrete

What are some advantages of decorative concrete?

When it comes to driving up business, drawing the customer’s eye is key. In this blog we’ll talk about the advantages of decorative concrete. Concrete, although solid, rugged, and dependable, is not always the most attractive. So how can you wow your customers? Think about using decorative concrete to help spice up your interiors and exteriors.   (more…)

Inspection and Maintenance for Brick Masonry Walls

Friday, February 17th, 2017
brick masonry walls

Keeping brick masonry walls in good shape is critical.

Whether you have a beautiful brick home or a historic building with original masonry, keeping your brick masonry walls in good shape is critical. What does inspection and maintenance for brick masonry walls involve and why is it so important? (more…)

Aesthetics of Exposed Brick

Monday, February 6th, 2017
exposed brick

What are the aesthetics of exposed brick?

There are numerous ways to make an impact with aesthetics in the interior of your home. One classic look is that of exposed brick. It is a truly timeless look. You never have to worry about brick going out of style. To get some exposed brick inspiration and make your home look truly top notch, read on.    (more…)

How to Manage Lintel Deterioration

Monday, January 30th, 2017
Lintel deteroriation

All about masonry and preventing lintel deterioration

When it comes to maintaining masonry there is a lot to keep in mind. Years of unpredictable and possibly harsh weather and other sorts of wear and tear can do a number on everything from brick and mortar to pavement and lintels. In fact, lintel deterioration is not uncommon. To learn about how to tackle lintel deterioration the right way, read on. (more…)

Choosing the Right Brick for Your Building

Friday, January 20th, 2017

Which brick is right for you?

Whether you have a historic building you are restoring or are starting from scratch, choosing the right brick for your building is crucial. Here are several different ways to help you choose the right brick that will last you (and your building) many decades. (more…)

Tips for Winterizing Your Brick Pavers

Thursday, December 1st, 2016
brick pavers with snow on top

Brick is designed to withstand harsh winter weather.

Many people ask what they need to do to “winterize” their brick pavers. Good news: Interlocking brick pavers are designed and installed to be able to withstand even the harshest winter climate and frost cycles. That said, here are a few tips to further ensure the long-term success and aesthetics of your brickwork.

  • Remove heavy items and vehicles from brick pavers during the winter time. Areas beneath these heavy objects will not be able to flex during the freeze thaw cycle, which can cause sunken areas as the base shifts below. Heavy objects that are left over brick pavers may end up leaving a slight indentation.


  • If necessary, add some joint sand in all the joints. Resweeping joint sand between your brick paver joints each Spring and Winter will help ensure their continued longevity. When brick paver joints are properly filled they can drain late season rains better and hold the pavers in place. While you should keep your brick pavers filled year round for optimum success, doing a quick sweep heading into winter is always a good idea.
  • Try to redirect water and ice sources to prevent drainage on  your brick pavers. Check gutter spouts to see if they are draining onto your pavers. If possible, connect a solid corrugated pipe to the end of the spout and run it into the grass or a nearby plant bed. The rapid freeze and thawing of snow and ice that hits your brick pavers can cause tremendous stress. It’s always a good idea to address drainage issues at the time of installation, but it’s worth doing a second check to make sure no new problems have arose.


While there’s no need to cover up your beautiful pavers or shovel off the snow right away, following these tips can increase the lifespan of your brick paver installation.

Masonry Repair and Restoration from Del Prete Masonry

For all of your questions regarding masonry repair and restoration, feel free to contact Del Prete Masonry. Our masonry restoration professionals have the experience and history of satisfied clients to prove that we’ll get the job done right, and cost-effectively. To get started with your masonry restoration project, please contact our office today at 410-683-0650 or email us at mike@delpretemasonry.com. We serve Baltimore City, County, Harford County, Carroll County, Anne Arundel County, and Howard County.

Keep up with our blog for masonry related information, and follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+!

Fun Facts about Brick

Friday, November 4th, 2016

Brick has been used for thousands of years by masonry experts.

It is one of the most eco-friendly materials available for construction. Most bricks are made from clay that has been heated to a thousand degrees centigrade. This timeless construction material remains an essential component of the masonry process. Here are a few fun and interesting facts about brick and brickwork: (more…)

All About Brick and Brickwork Contractors

Thursday, August 4th, 2016

Brick is a special material. After all, it can stand up to even the fiercest huffing and puffing!

A brickwork contractor is a mason that specializes in using brick to build structures. Brickwork contractors are highly skilled trades people that can create some of the most beautiful buildings you’ll lay eyes on. Brick is a timeless material, and the quality of brickwork is reflected in historic structures that have lasted over fifteen hundred years. Whether you’re making an addition to an existing structure or building something new entirely, employing a skilled brickwork contractor is a sound investment. Here’s what you need to know about brick and how they’re used to build things. (more…)

The Benefits of Commercial Brick Repair

Friday, June 10th, 2016
commercial brick repair

Keep your bricks looking beautiful for years to come with the proper commercial brick repair.

Whether you just purchased a historic building, found a fixer-upper, or have been in an aging property for a long time, you may not realize that seemingly small issues with your brick masonry may indicate huge problems for you now or in the future. By getting commercial brick repair done today, you can insure your beautiful brick will both embellish and support your building for years to come.


Concerned About Cracking

If your brick masonry has lines distributed through it that look like the side view of a flight of stairs, it’s time to repair the cracking before it becomes a bigger problem. Cracking along mortar joints can indicate foundation problems that may require major repairs. Cracking can also suggest more minor issues like an initial design flaw, deterioration, or settlement.


Check the Chimney

Even businesses and homes that do not have all-over brick masonry may have brick chimneys. While chimneys are self-supporting structures, if they are not properly cared for they can lose their ability to support the building and potentially damage the surrounding structure. It can be easy to put off chimney repairs since they seem costly and unnecessary, but getting a brick repair specialist to examine the structure is your best bet to prevent problems down the road.



This symptom indicates a major structural issue. If any part of the building or home appears to be leaning forward or to the side, it is vital to address the issue immediately. The section of wall or chimney that looks unstable today can turn in to an entire building that is unstable and legally uninhabitable tomorrow.


Unsecured Walls

Unsecured walls are another urgent problem for your business property. You may need this type of commercial brick repair if corners were cut before or after you acquired the property. Many times historical properties undergoing renovation or restoration need walls reconnected to make the building safe again. Before you worry about cosmetic concerns, make sure you tackle structural issues!



You may not notice a leak until after a particularly bad thunderstorm or flash flood, but once it’s there it should be addressed as quickly as possible to prevent more harm to your business. A leak in the wall will eventually lead to building-wide deterioration and can be quickly resolved with our expertise (and prevented in the future with waterproofing services).



Stains are expected as your masonry ages and a great and cost-effective way to spruce up your building’s appearance is by getting your bricks restored or repointed. Brick is a beautiful and historic building material and by properly caring for your brick, your business can shine from the foundation to the façade.


Searching for an Expert in Commercial Brick Repair?

If you are worried about leaning or just want to get your brick looking brand new, Del Prete Masonry has the experience and expertise to get the job done right for the right price. To explore our commercial brick repair services and set up a consultation, please give us a call at 410-683-0650 or contact us online. We currently serve Baltimore City and County, Harford County, Carroll County, Anne Arundel County, and Howard County. To see examples of our work and get more updates, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and Pinterest.

The Benefits of Marble Flooring Restoration

Friday, April 29th, 2016

While marble is incredibly durable, marble floor restoration is needed to maintain its full beauty.

Few types of flooring can match the benefits of marble. This natural stone is not only beautiful but it offers many other advantages over wood, carpet and even many other stone materials. It can be used in a wide variety of applications, including commercial settings, personal residences and places such as hotel lobbies, ballrooms and more. However, after many years of foot traffic, there is a good chance that your marble flooring  is in need of repair, cleaning or other restoration services. By allowing a professional marble restoration company to conduct this maintenance you’ll always enjoy the benefits that marble flooring has to offer. (more…)