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Archive for the ‘ Commercial Masonry Baltimore ’ Category

Benefits of Granite for Commercial Masonry

Wednesday, July 2nd, 2014

granite commercial masonryYou may have seen granite most commonly used for countertops, but have you ever considered using it for more? Granite has a wide variety of benefits, and can even be used in building your roof! Check out these reasons from your Maryland granite professionals as to why granite is a great choice for commercial masonry:

  1. Versatility – From countertops, to floors, walls, and even roofs, granite can be used in just about anything. Because there are many different types and styles of granite, you can choose which will work best for your project.
  2. Material itself – Granite is a very durable material. Because it is water, pressure, and temperature resistant, it ensures the stability of your building. You want to be sure that you can trust the material you’re working with, and be sure that you will have a sturdy, long-lasting finished product. Using granite will help to achieve the final product that you’re working towards.
  3. Aesthetics – Not only is granite a stable material, but it also comes in a variety of colors and designs. By choosing which style of granite best fits your building or room, you can make your building or office look elegant and aesthetically pleasing, while being assured that it is built with top-quality material.

If you’re looking for a material that’s durable, resourceful, and tasteful, granite is the choice for you. Still not convinced? For other questions regarding granite for commercial masonry, feel free to contact Delprete Mansonry. Our Maryland granite professionals will be able to assist you in choosing which type of granite is best for your upcoming project. To get started with your commercial masonry project, please contact our office today at 410-683-0650 or email us at mike@delpretemasonry.com. We serve Baltimore City, County, Harford County, Carroll County, Anne Arundel County, and Howard County. Keep up with our blog for masonry related information, and follow us on FacebookTwitter, and Google+.

Source: http://antonythomsan.articlealley.com/reasons-to-choose-granite-as-your-essential-building-material-1344088.html

The Advantages of Natural Stone for Commercial Masonry

Friday, June 27th, 2014

natural stoneMost people love the look of natural stone buildings. They look rustic and beautiful. The colors and patterns that are inherent in natural stone makes it a great material to use when constructing buildings and doing masonry projects. It goes far beyond just the aesthetic appeal of natural stone, though. There are many reasons to consider natural stone for your commercial masonry project that you may not have considered just yet. We’ve put together a few or our favorite reasons for choosing natural stone when you’re ready to begin your project.

  • Affordable – Most masonry materials aren’t overly expensive (except when you start getting into marble and granite), but most natural stone is on the lower end of the price range, because it’s easy to acquire and fairly easy to work with. Finding the perfect natural stone for your project likely will not cost you a lot of money for the great product that you’re getting.
  • Unique – Every piece of natural stone that you use for your construction product will be unique. It may be similar to others, but you’ll be able to pick out certain facets of the stone that make your project completely yours. There are great patterns and distinctly different colors and shades in every piece of natural stone.
  • Durable – If you regularly seal natural stone and make a point to have regular maintenance done on it, natural stone will lost you for decades, and maybe even centuries. It’s all about taking care of the stone. Natural stone can also stand up to most weather conditions. Cleaning natural stone is a fairly simple process that will help you extend the life and beauty of your project without breaking your bank.
  • Environmentally Friendly – This is true for a few different reasons. One of the main reasons that people choose to go with natural stone if they’re considering the environment is that it’s not manufactured or synthetic. People have been using natural stone to build shelter for centuries because it’s easy to acquire and naturally occurring. It also doesn’t require serious chemicals to maintain its aesthetic, nor does it secrete toxic chemicals to humans or animals. On the whole, natural stone is one of the most sustainable options for construction projects.

Using natural stone for your commercial masonry project is a good first step in being environmentally friendly and having a gorgeous project that you’re proud to call your own. To get started with your commercial masonry project, please contact our office today at 410-683-0650 or email us atmike@delpretemasonry.com. We serve Baltimore City, County, Harford County, Carroll County, Anne Arundel County, and Howard County. Keep up with our blog for masonry related information, and follow us on FacebookTwitter, and Google+.

Source: SlideShare

Commercial Masonry Project Options

Thursday, June 12th, 2014

masonry projectsCommercial masonry isn’t limited to just constructing buildings out of brick and stone – though that’s certainly a big part of it. We’ve done masonry projects for some great Maryland institutions that have nothing to do with their actual buildings, but are more focused on free standing structures. Choosing to have one of these structures built can add a great piece of interest to your commercial property. Instead of just having a typical welcome sign or standalone statue, you can do something really great with a masonry project.  It’ll make your office building or company look more professional and add a bit of branding to your place of business, among other great advantages. Check out some of the projects that we’ve done that might help you get idea for a future masonry project.

  • Entrance Monument – A couple of our favorite projects were for Maple Lawn Development and John Hopkins Baltimore campus. We constructed masonry welcome monuments so that one of the first things that people see upon arrival is a pristine brick structure with a plaque to welcome them to the campus. This is great for companies who want to add a little bit of professionalism. We can help you design an entrance monument with brick or stone that will stand out.
  • Wall of Fame – Have you seen the Ravens wall of fame at M&T Bank Stadium? It’s something that we worked with the Ravens to design out of brick, stone, and granite. It’s a permanent wall of fame that is classy and represents the strength of Baltimore pride. Most companies do an employee of the month or something similar. Why not erect a permanent monument to the people that you honor in your company?
  • Monument – The Towson Courthouse is one of our best projects. We used granite and pavers to add on a bench and walls around an already beautiful stone monument so that people can enjoy the expert masonry that went into creating the police monument outside of the Towson Court House. Monuments are created to remember someone or something; why not remember them with a permanent fixture? Granite and natural stone make great masonry materials for monuments.

Your masonry project options are nearly unlimited, but these are some of our favorites and some that can give your building or campus a great facelift! To find out more about your masonry options, please contact our office today at 410-683-0650 or email us atmike@delpretemasonry.com. We serve Baltimore City, County, Harford County, Carroll County, Anne Arundel County, and Howard County. Keep up with our blog for masonry related information, and follow us on FacebookTwitter, and Google+.

Commerical Masonry for Sustainability

Monday, June 9th, 2014

masonryUsing environmentally friendly products is something that many businesses and individuals have been focused on for the past decade or so. The green movement is one that you’ll see taking place across the country and even across the world. It should follow that many companies in the Baltimore area are taking the initiative to try to better our environment and create a more sustainable earth. Did you know that masonry products are one of the most sustainable building products in existence?

Why are masonry products environmentally friendly?
Most masonry products are made of brick, block, or stone – these are natural products that are found in the Earth anyway. Sometimes they contain synthetic components, but for the most part, bricks and stones are made of materials that the Earth itself is made up of.

Sustainability is great, but is masonry durable?
Yes! Ever wonder why masonry products and building materials have been around for thousands of years? It’s proven to work and withstand the test of time. Though many new materials are effective, the fact that masonry is still being used is a testament to its strength and usefulness in building projects – including masonry structures. Many important buildings throughout history have been constructed using brick – plus it’s got a great aesthetic value.

What else do masonry products have to offer?
Masonry products aren’t just used for durability and sustainability. They are also fire resistant and mold resistant, which is great for outdoor masonry structures. They can handle a lot of rain and moisture without developing mold or becoming particularly discolored. Brick and stone will not only outlast most other building materials, but they also are resistant to many natural problems.

A commercial masonry project is environmentally friendly and will last you for years to come. Instead of investing in something that may only last for a short period of time, try using something that has survived the test of centuries, is environmentally friendly, and looks great to boot. Delprete Masonry is a commercial masonry construction and restoration company that services Baltimore and the surrounding area. For more than 25 years, we’ve been performing quality masonry work for a wide variety of clients with different masonry needs.  We’ve built a solid reputation for ourselves in the Baltimore area as a leading commercial masonry service. For more information, please contact our office today at 410-683-0650 or email us atmike@delpretemasonry.com. We serve Baltimore City, County, Harford County, Carroll County, Anne Arundel County, and Howard County. Keep up with our blog for masonry related information, and follow us on FacebookTwitter, and Google+.

Source: http://masonryworx.com/home/the-environmental-advantages-of-masonry-products/

Masonry Demolition in Baltimore

Wednesday, May 28th, 2014

If you need a commercial structure removed in Baltimore, whether as a result of damage or to make way for a new development, you need a professional masonry demolition expert. Demolition of a commercial structure requires careful planning, execution, and cleanup to ensure that the process goes smoothly. Stone or brick structures can be dangerous to work with, and cleanup is often a large ordeal, meaning you need someone with experience in demolition. Delprete Masonry knows how to take down stone structures just as well as we know how to put them up, which is why you can trust us for all of your Baltimore masonry demolition needs.

Structure Damage

Sometimes structures can become so damaged that they are not salvageable. This can happen for several reasons. A severe weather incident can damage structures, as can vehicular accidents. Old age can also be a contributing factor. Whatever the case, a professional masonry demolition expert can safely remove the structure as well as remaining debris.

New Development

Another reason a commercial structure may need to be removed is to make way for a new development. It may have outgrown its usefulness or have been sitting abandoned for some time. The new project may not be able to incorporate it into the design, or it may not meet new standards. Your Baltimore masonry demolition expert can help clear the way for new construction and economic development.

Baltimore masonry demolition

About Delprete Masonry

Delprete Masonry is a commercial masonry construction and restoration company that services Baltimore and the surrounding area. For more than 25 years, we’ve been performing quality masonry work for a wide variety of clients with different masonry needs.  We’ve built a solid reputation for ourselves in the Baltimore area as a leading commercial masonry service. For more information, please contact our office today at 410-683-0650 or email us atmike@delpretemasonry.com. We serve Baltimore City, County, Harford County, Carroll County, Anne Arundel County, and Howard County. Keep up with our blog for masonry related information, and follow us on FacebookTwitter, and Google+.

New Commercial Masonry Construction in Baltimore

Thursday, May 22nd, 2014

If you’re building a new commercial structure in Baltimore, consider a professionally-built stone masonry structure. There are lots of benefits to a stone structure that make it well worth the investment.


Stone is one of the most durable building materials available. Your stone structure will last for generations and is highly resistant to the effects of the elements. Stone is also great because it requires little in the way of maintenance, so you don’t have to worry about the next time you’ll need to overhaul your building’s exterior.


Stone structures are very pleasing to the eye and can affect a variety of aesthetics. From ornate masonry work to sheer stone walls, stone has an aesthetic prestige that can’t be match by other building materials.


Stone can be molded into endless shapes and sizes. Stone walls, awnings, doorways, arches, and balconies are just a few of the design features stone offers. In addition, you can choose from a number of different kinds of stone and even combine them in the same construction. From marble to granite to brick and concrete, and all of the color and style options these provide, stone is the ideal structure material for those who want to take their building beyond the ordinary.

commercial masonry construction Baltimore

About Delprete Masonry

Delprete Masonry is a commercial masonry construction and restoration company that services Baltimore and the surrounding area. For more than 25 years, we’ve been performing quality masonry work for a wide variety of clients with different masonry needs.  We’ve built a solid reputation for ourselves in the Baltimore area as a leading commercial masonry service. For more information, please contact our office today at 410-683-0650 or email us atmike@delpretemasonry.com. We serve Baltimore City, County, Harford County, Carroll County, Anne Arundel County, and Howard County. Keep up with our blog for masonry related information, and follow us on FacebookTwitter, and Google+.

Masonry Restoration and Repair in Baltimore

Tuesday, May 13th, 2014

Is your building showing its age? Is the facade faded and cracked? Or is the sign out front worn down and drab? Your stone may be in need of a facelift. Stone lasts a long time, but the elements can take their toll. Sometimes the effects may be merely cosmetic, while other cases may involve more extensive structural repairs. In either case, contact Delprete Masonry for commercial masonry restoration and repair in Baltimore.


Commercial Masonry Restoration in Baltimore

Cosmetic damage to masonry structures isn’t uncommon. The passage of time has a tendency to wear down outdoor stone structures, muting colors, designs, and engravings. Fortunately, these are easily touched up with the hand of a professional mason. Masonry restoration will transform your aging commercial structure into one with a new face and new identity, one that people are sure to notice.

Commercial Masonry Repair in Baltimore

Sometimes the damage to a structure is more than just surface deep. Structural damage can compromise the integrity of a building or structure if left unattended. The sooner you address structural concerns with commercial masonry repair, the sooner you can rest easy knowing that your structure is safe. For all of your commercial masonry needs in Baltimore, trust Delprete.


commercial masonry restoration Baltimore


About Delprete Masonry

Delprete Masonry is a commercial masonry construction and restoration company that services Baltimore and the surrounding area. For more than 25 years, we’ve been performing quality masonry work for a wide variety of clients with different masonry needs.  We’ve built a solid reputation for ourselves in the Baltimore area as a leading commercial masonry service. For more information, please contact our office today at 410-683-0650 or email us atmike@delpretemasonry.com. We serve Baltimore City, County, Harford County, Carroll County, Anne Arundel County, and Howard County. Keep up with our blog for masonry related information, and follow us on FacebookTwitter, and Google+.

Stone Commercial Signs in Maryland

Friday, May 9th, 2014

Do you need a sign for your commercial business, office, or shopping center in Maryland? Why not get something that’s built to last? A stone sign installed by a professional stone mason will be the only sign your commercial enterprise will ever need. Here are a few great reasons to get a stone sign for your business in Maryland.



Stone requires little in the way of maintenance, and will last for generations. You want to build your business to last, so utilize this approach in every facet, right down to the sign out front.


Stone projects a very high-end high-quality aesthetic that other materials like vinyl and other polymer signs just can’t match. People notice the improvements you make on your building, and a stone sign out front says you’re willing to go the extra mile and invest in a quality masonry feature.


We can work with you to design your business’ stone sign and customize it to your liking. From stone to trim to engraving and more, we’ll help you find the sign and design that’s right for your business.


Stone is simply one of the highest quality materials you can get for an outdoor sign. It will weather the elements for many years to come.

stone business sign Maryland

About Delprete Masonry

Delprete Masonry is a commercial masonry construction and restoration company that services Baltimore and the surrounding area. For more than 25 years, we’ve been performing quality masonry work for a wide variety of clients with different masonry needs.  We’ve built a solid reputation for ourselves in the Baltimore area as a leading commercial masonry service. For more information, please contact our office today at 410-683-0650 or email us atmike@delpretemasonry.com. We serve Baltimore City, County, Harford County, Carroll County, Anne Arundel County, and Howard County. Keep up with our blog for masonry related information, and follow us on FacebookTwitter, and Google+.

Stone Monuments in Baltimore by Delprete Masonry

Friday, May 2nd, 2014

Stone monuments are a tradition that goes back many thousands of years. Around 2600 B.C. the Egyptians began construction of the immense stone pyramids at Giza to honor their pharaohs. Around the same time, in England, an unknown group that left no trace of themselves built the mysterious and powerful Stonehenge. Scholars are still debating the building techniques they used in an impressive feat of masonry that somehow raised and balanced massive boulders on top of each other.

Today, stone monuments are still an important part of honoring and remembering events and groups of people so that we may always be reminded of them and carry them with us. They are the physical manifestations of things that are often intangible. The collective efforts of a sports team in a championship year. The commemoration of a landmark event. The recognition of service. Stone monuments allow these events and movements to live on, and remind our descendents of important parts of their history. Stone is the ideal medium for this admirable pursuit.

Here in Baltimore, Delprete Masonry has designed and constructed several prominent stone monuments on public display. At M&T Bank Stadium, we built the Baltimore Ravens Wall of Honor, dedicated to PSL Owners. Its brick, precast stone, and granite composition and white on black engravings make for a fitting Wall of Honor. In Towson, outside the courthouse, we constructed the Baltimore County Police Monument, which honors those who gave their lives in the service. The 4 inch thick granite walls and seat beat provide a worthy space for reflection and recognition.

If you’re interested in constructing a stone monument in Baltimore County, please contact us for a consultation today. For all of your Baltimore County masonry needs, you can count on Delprete.

stone monuments Baltimore

About Delprete Masonry

Delprete Masonry is a commercial masonry construction and restoration company that services Baltimore and the surrounding area. For more than 25 years, we’ve been performing quality masonry work for a wide variety of clients with different masonry needs.  We’ve built a solid reputation for ourselves in the Baltimore area as a leading commercial masonry service. For more information, please contact our office today at 410-683-0650 or email us atmike@delpretemasonry.com. We serve Baltimore City, County, Harford County, Carroll County, Anne Arundel County, and Howard County. Keep up with our blog for masonry related information, and follow us on FacebookTwitter, and Google+.

Delprete Masonry: Commercial Masonry Construction and Restoration

Thursday, April 24th, 2014

Delprete Masonry is a commercial masonry construction and restoration company that services Baltimore and the surrounding area. For more than 25 years, we’ve been performing quality masonry work for a wide variety of clients with different masonry needs. There’s actually a good chance you may have seen one of our jobs. We’ve done large-scale projects across Baltimore, from Camden Yards and M&T Bank Stadium, to Johns Hopkins University and Legg Mason. We’ve built a solid reputation for ourselves in the Baltimore area as a leading commercial masonry service.



New masonry construction is a blank slate, a template for a unique and creative design that we can initiate and complete together. Whether, it’s a new wall, entrance, monument, elevator shaft, or even a complete addition, we can design and build a commercial masonry structure that fits your needs and has the incredible longevity and durability of stone.


We also specialize in restoring and renovating old masonry that is in need of repairs. Using our many years of experience and expertise, we carefully reconstruct structures to their original splendor to make them stronger and more distinct, all without compromising the integrity of the original design.

Areas of Expertise

Our main areas of expertise are brick and block. We are also highly skilled in:

  • Precast stone
  • Structural and natural stone
  • Granite
  • Limestone
  • Marble
  • Cut stone
  • Concrete footers
  • Flatwork
  • Poured walls

Delprete Masonry Baltimore

For more information, please contact our office today at 410-683-0650 or email us at mike@delpretemasonry.com. We serve Baltimore City, County, Harford County, Carroll County, Anne Arundel County, and Howard County. Keep up with our blog for masonry related information, and follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+.