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Posts Tagged ‘ brick masonry ’

The History of Brick

Friday, January 16th, 2015

At Del Prete Masonry, we’re proud to continue the historic tradition of masonry, a craft that extends thousands of years into our past, with a history as storied and fascinating as the chronicle of any nation. Today, we’re looking backwards into the history behind one of the most crucial and powerful items of our trade: the humble brick.

brick masonry

The Middle East

As far as historians can tell, the earliest discovered bricks date as far back as 7500 BC. These early bricks were dried, which means that they were made out of clay-laden dirt and mud, then dried under sunlight until they were hearty enough to be used in construction. The oldest known bricks hail from a part of the planet that is now Syria. Other discoveries, which date as far back as 7000 BC, include bricks from the ancient city of Jericho and the Egyptian fortress of Buhen which ran along the west bank of the Nile River.


As early as 2000 BC, bricks were certainly being used in Chinese architecture. Scientists and scholars have even established that the Chinese were already mass-producing bricks roughly 300 years ago during the Western Zhou dynasty. In 1368 AD, under the Ming Dynasty, bricks were already being fired in kilns. To make these bricks clay and water were mixed together, then trampled over by oxen who beat it into a paste. The paste was then lain in wood frames and smoothed with a wiry bow. The bricks were then stamped with the brickmaster’s insignia and loaded into a wood-fueled kiln and removed while the kiln was still burning.


The Ancient Greek and Roman civilizations also used fired bricks. The Romans designed and perfected the use of mobile, cart-bound kilns and constructed massive brick buildings and structures all over their empire bearing the seal of the Roman legion. The middle ages saw brickmaking finally make its way to northern Europe and was popular in places without native rocks suitable for construction. Some of these buildings still stand today in Denmark, Germany, Russia, and Poland. This kind of brickmaking and architecture would eventually transform into the style that became popularized during the Italian Renaissance.

At Del Prete, We Know Where We’re Coming From

We recognize the importance of history and our professionals know everything about brick masonry, from practical skills to historical facts. For other questions regarding brick masonry, feel free to contact Delprete Mansonry. Our brick masonry professionals have the experience and history of satisfied clients to prove that we’ll get the job done right, and cost-effectively. To get started with your brick masonry project, please contact our office today at 410-683-0650 or email us at mike@delpretemasonry.com. We serve Baltimore City, County, Harford County, Carroll County, Anne Arundel County, and Howard County.

Keep up with our blog for masonry related information, and follow us on FacebookTwitter, and Google+.

Signs You Have a Bad Masonry Foundation

Friday, January 9th, 2015


Your home’s masonry foundation is incredibly important to its long-term survival. Without a solid foundation, you’re home or business will swiftly crumble and sink into the ground. That’s why it’s important to be on the lookout against foundation damage. Foundation damage is typically caused by moisture and will manifest in a number of ways. Del Prete Masonry is here to help with some of the most common signs of a bad foundation.

Crooked Windows and Doors

Door and window installers do their utmost to put in their wares so that they’re completely level. If they start to move out of alignment, it’s most likely because your masonry foundation has started to move. If your doors and windows become very difficult to open and close, or even show signs of damaged glass, it’s highly likely that the foundation in that region of the house has started to go bad.

Cracked Walls and Sloped Floors

If the level of your home’s floor starts to change, it’s almost certain that the foundation beneath it has started to settle, however this can be difficult to notice, especially with carpet. If your floors are uncarpeted, try dropping a marble and seeing if it rolls in an area you thought was flat. A sinking masonry foundation may prompt the developing of cracks in your drywall, particularly drywall near windows and doors. Be sure to look out for ejected drywall screws/ nails and baseboard gapping.

External Cracks/ Wall Bulges

While minute cracks are not unusual in masonry foundations, walls, and footers, be on the lookout for large, patterned cracks that seem to keep growing. If you see clearly rectangular patterns of cracks in your foundation masonry, or you notice unusual bulges in the foundation walls, the ground beneath it could be shifting. It’s also worth paying attention to your masonry chimney, if you spot cracks or damage on it, the frame of your house could be unstable.

Misc. Signs

Oftentimes, a masonry foundation will be set on top of posts and beams, if an inspector finds that these are leaning, the house has probably changed its position. If you spot water underneath your house or find that the ground seems wet on one face of it but dry on another, you could have drainage problems that need fixing. Taking care of these issues can nip masonry foundation damage in the bud.

Need To Repair Your Masonry Foundation?

Call Delprete Masonry. As Maryland’s foremost experts on masonry repair, construction, and demolition, our skilled teams have what it takes to quickly and accurately assess your masonry foundation for any problems or structural weaknesses and can offer fast and affordable repairs. Your house is your most prized possession and a masonry foundation is one it’s most important systems, so why not take good care of it?

To find out more about your masonry repair options, please contact our office today at 410-683-0650 or email us at mike@delpretemasonry.com. We serve Baltimore City, County, Harford County, Carroll County, Anne Arundel County, and Howard County. Keep up with our blog for masonry related information, and follow us on FacebookTwitter, and Google+.

Caring for your Brick Masonry Structure

Monday, September 22nd, 2014

One of the most popular building materials for centuries, brick masonry is used from everything from stately colonial mansions or small country cottages, to dignified commercial structures. Its versatility, efficiency, and appearance all contribute to raising the property and aesthetic value of your home. While generally maintenance free, it’s still important to take care of your brick structures to assure that your commercial masonry investment is protected and their longevity is being leveraged to its maximum potential.brick masonry


Once a year, be sure to go over your brick masonry with a hose, equipped with a spray nozzle, to remove any loose dirt. Also if any side of your brick masonry structure or house gets very little sunlight you should be on the lookout for moss, mold, or mildew growth. Scrubbing any affected areas with a solution of 1cup of bleach to 1 gallon of water will clean most of this up. Avoid using wire brushes that can scratch or damage brick and be sure to rinse these areas with water BEFORE applying the bleach solution.

Check for Water Damage

Water damage to brick masonry has two potential causes: Splash back and rising damp. Splash back is the process by which rain, over a long period of time, is slowly absorbed into brick causing the mortar or brick itself to crack. Rising damp occurs when ground water seeps upwards, leaving behind what is known as a “tide line”. This line will disappear but will cause a buildup of salt crystals that will ultimately break down brick and mortar. Check for water damage routinely and allocate funds for repointing every 5-10 years.


Repointing is the process of renewing the external parts of mortar joints, which hold brick masonry structures together. If you find signs of damaged mortar, consider having it repointed. This involves careful removal of the existing mortar, and a fresh application of a new batch. When repointing, the depth of the new mortar should be approximately twice the width of the existing mortar joints.

If you own an older house and want to preserve visual integrity, make sure that your fresh mortar matches the original. A contractor can take a sample of existing mortar and dissolve it in acid, exposing the base sand aggregate used to manufacture it, so that it can be replicated.

Get Help from Del Prete Masonry

Brick is a great foundation for any building, and as commercial masons, we can fully appreciate the benefits of brick. If you need your commercial masonry repaired, please contact our office today at 410-683-0650 or email us at mike@delpretemasonry.com. We serve Baltimore City, County, Harford County, Carroll County, Anne Arundel County, and Howard County. Keep up with our blog for masonry related information, and follow us on FacebookTwitter, and Google+.

Source: bobvilia.com